Arusha National Park

About 30km from Arusha, the park is very easy to access and one day is enough to visit it.
Very peaceful  place because no big predators, it has a very big concentration of giraffes.
The visit can be arranged with a walk, always with a ranger because of the buffalos, or with the climbing of Mount Meru, 4.565 m.

(© D. Gremion)

There are five lakes inhabited by pink flamingos colonies and many birds, as egyptian ibis.

(© D. Gremion)
(© Fafa)
The black and white colobus almost disappeared in the beginning of the last century, because of his fur. He lives up on the big tree, and usually doesn’t come down. (© Fafa)
Blue monkey (© D. Gremion)
The vehicules are not allowed in the Ngurdoto Crater. (© D. Gremion)
(© Fafa)
(© Fafa)
(© Fafa)
Male cob (© Fafa)
Female and young (© Fafa)